As a subsidiary of Playworks, Eduquip provides outstanding fun filled leadership and team building activities for the learners and staff of schools.   Our programs include:

Transformational Leadership programme

Designed for grade 10 and 11 learners who are preparing to take up their role and responsibility in being future leaders for the school, as well as in life.  Even though this program does deal with the responsibilities of things like being prefects and taking on other forms of school leader responsibilities, the main focus of the content is geared to ethical responsibilities of being part of a family, citizenship of a community, that of an organization and the country as a whole.  The transformational leadership program aims to instil values and tools to transform self as well as effect change in those around you, with the goal of bettering your surroundings for the generations to come.  The format consists of two parts:  interactive classroom lessons,  and outdoor fun activities.  For more information please contact us. 


Team and leadership programme

This program is geared for grade 1 to 10. It is a fun-filled outdoor or indoor programme with challenges teaching participants the importance of team play and leadership styles.  It highlights what type of behaviours produce effectiveness in completing tasks. The leadership programme also looks at how your actions have a direct effect on your team mates.  Depending on your school’s goals these sessions can be adapted.  They can serve merely as a fun day of games, where these learning points can be “discovered by-the-way”.  The second option allows for short group discussions where our facilitators can bring those effective behaviours to the foreground.  For more information please contact us.


Staff team development programme

These activities are so much fun, that staff often want to join in.  As we have many years’ experience in team development, we have tweaked our team development program for organizations and brought them to the staff.  This program is geared to having a fun day with the colleagues.  The activities are designed so as to learn valuable lessons such as the importance of effective communication, how synergy can be reached, and taking up ownership for the team.  For more information please contact us.